Product Specifications

Benchmarking and Insights

MRI Benchmark Assessment
  • Description: Measures, benchmarks & provides open-ended feedback on the 8 disciplines of a customer culture.
  • Purpose: Provides baseline and employee feedback for driving improvements.
  • Questions: 40 Line-Item questions, 8 Verbatim questions
  • Data: Benchmark and Verbatim comments
  • Time per respondent: 25 minutes
  • Recommended Audience: Organization, department, team
  • Recommended deployment: Yearly
  • Usage: Unlimited
Infographic 2 no words

Measuring Change

MRI Pulse
  • Description: Measures and benchmarks progress in the 8 disciplines of a customer culture.
  • Purpose: Checks organization’s progress across disciplines.
  • Questions: 40 Line-Item questions, 0 Verbatim questions
  • Data: Benchmark data
  • Time per respondent: 15 minutes
  • Recommended Audience: Organization, department, team (up to 50% of initial assessment)
  • Recommended deployment: 6 months post MRI Benchmark Assessment
  • Usage: Unlimited
Progress Checks
  • Description: Surveys to check progress in individual disciplines of MRI.
  • Purpose: Checks change adaptation for individual disciplines.
  • Questions: 3 questions per discipline, 2 Verbatim questions
  • Data: Raw Scores and Verbatim comments
  • Time per respondent: 3 minutes
  • Recommended Audience: Sample of the organization involved in customer-centric change initiatives
  • Recommended deployment: As required for discipline-specific assessment
  • Usage: Unlimited

Individual and Leadership Development

Individual Self-Assessment
  • Description: Assesses individuals’ strengths and weaknesses in customer-centric behaviors.
  • Purpose: Supports self-reflection and development for improvement.
  • Questions: 40 Line-Item questions, 0 Verbatim questions
  • Data: Raw Scores
  • Time per respondent: 15 minutes
  • Recommended Audience: Individual contributors, managers
  • Recommended deployment: As required
  • Usage: Unlimited
Leadership Self-Assessment
  • Description: Assesses leaders’ strengths and weaknesses in customer-centric behaviors.
  • Purpose: Supports senior leaders’ self-reflection and development.
  • Questions: 80 Line-Item questions, 0 Verbatim questions
  • Data: Raw Scores
  • Time per respondent: 30 minutes
  • Recommended Audience: Senior Leaders
  • Recommended deployment: As required
  • Usage: Unlimited
  • Organizational Capability Building

    MRI Benchmark Information Portal
    • Description: Learning portal post-MRI for interpreting results and setting priorities.
    • Purpose: Information on interpreting MRI results and best practices.
    • Time to complete: 60 minutes
    • Recommended Audience: MRI Benchmark Champion and Ambassadors
    • Usage: Unlimited
    Self-Assessment Learning Centre
    • Description: Learning platform post-self-assessment for understanding customer culture disciplines.
    • Purpose: Education on the 8 disciplines of building a stronger customer culture.
    • Time to complete: 45 minutes
    • Recommended Audience: Individuals or Leaders who completed Self-Assessment
    • Usage: Unlimited
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